雅思口语考试考官经常问的问题(三) - 雅思
2007-10-30 来源:新浪考试|http://edu.sina.com.cn/ 我要评论(0)
6. Restaurants
Do you usually go out to eat or do you usually eat at home
How often do you go to a restaurant (to eat)(Do you often go to restaurants (to eat)How often?)
Why do you (or, why do people) go to restaurants
What kind of restaurants do you like(prefer) (Why?) (Or, How do you choose which restaurant to go to?)
What kind of restaurants do young people in China prefer(Why?)
What do you usually do there
What kind of foods do you (or Chinese people) like to eat in restaurants
How (do you think) restaurants have changed, over the past few years(=How are restaurants today different to those of before?)
How do you think they will (might) change in the future*
What skills do people need to work in a restaurant?
7. Letters
Do you often write letters(How often do you write letters?)
Who do you usually write to and what do you write about
What (do you think) is the most difficult kind of letter (or email) to write(Why?)
Do you prefer to write letters or emails(Why?)
What role do emails (or letters) play in your life( = Why do you write these emails or letters?)
How often do you write emails
What kinds of emails (or letters) do you most like receiving(Why?) (= What kinds of emails/letters make you happy?)
What are the differences between handwritten letters and emails
Do you think it is a good thing that some companies send out letters/spam emails for the purpose of advertising*
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