托福听力词汇替换秘笈19 - 托福
2008-04-02 来源:无忧考网|http://www.51Test.net 我要评论(0)
gas stove ----> cook food
get a loan ----> borrow money
get a move on ----> begin to move
get in that line ----> stand in that line
get indigestion ----> stomach hurts
get into shape ----> need exercise
get moving ----> hurry
get nervous ----> worry
get off the ground ----> advance // go forward // have a good talk
get one‘s signature ----> take a class
get out of (doing) sth. ----> be excused/exempted from (doing) sth.
get out of doing one‘s work ----> avoid work
get sb. mixed up ----> confused
get so backed up ----> put off work
get sth. right ----> revision
get there on foot ----> walk there
get time off from work ----> be able to take a vacation
gift ----> present
give an extension ----> have extra time
give sb an ultimatum ----> warn sb
give sb. a ride ----> drive/take sb. to
go jogging ----> run
go to jazz club ----> entertainment
go to the movie ----> go to a film
go up ----> increase // too expensive
grade exams ----> mark tests
grammar book ----> language book
half an hour ----> 30 minutes
hand ----> help // assistance
hand and shoulders above ----> much better than
hand out ----> distribute
hand sb. Down ----> give it to sb
hands down ----> easily
happy ----> be pleased
has done all right ----> has been successful
hasn‘t taken the prerequisite ----> not ready to take the class
have a look ----> see
have a way with words ----> have a talent for expressing
have sb. do sth. // have sth. done ----> someone do
have sth. looked into ----> get sth. checked
health center ----> doctor
healthful ----> nutritious
hold off // put off // delay // postpone ----> wait until
hot weather ----> heat
How come // What for ----> Why
humid ----> dry
humorous ----> amusing
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